Level 1
Welcome to MusiQuest 2025: The Rise of the Guardians! A mysterious figure has been destroying music, song by song, symphony by symphony. Join the Guardians of Music, decoding clues, finding hidden fragments, and piecing them back together, to help reverse this devastation and restore the magic of music to the world!
Supporting resources to unpick the musical concepts can be found at the bottom of the page.
Watch the video first, then click on the link for your key stage to access the clues.
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School Resources
These are supporting resources that outline the musical concepts, taken from the Model Music Curriculum, for each of the levels in MusiQuest 2025. It would be a great idea to talk these concepts through with your classes before completing the questions. We have included a pre and post-assessment grid to evaluate students' musical understanding and allow teachers to track progress throughout the Quest.
Click here to access these resources.